Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I wandered back into the blogging world because like Sherlock, I needed a distraction. So, Hello, Blogging Community! How have you been? Me, I've been rusty. My only concern for what, about 5 years now, were precise, non-illustrious, jargon-ridden, writting for residency.

So, we post a review. I'm at home most of the time, hence the shortage for topics. But here's a product I really, really enjoy.

A short history: My parents switched to an organic-only please lifestyle about 20 years ago. So by definition, we can eat meat, eggs, etc, given that it is organic. However, my lifestyle, being away from home, having to live near the hospital for a long time, having nothing to eat but delivered food from fastfood chains during our duty days, I have not adhered to the diet.

Nonetheless, I'd choose organic over non-organic anytime. Including bath and beauty products. It's hard, though, because most organic products are VERY expensive, not fit for a student's budget. So what I do is that if I have to buy the product with my own money, I'd do TONS of research prior to buying it. This saves me from regret later on. However, most Lush Reviews are done by Caucasians so some aren't applicable to us, Asians (such as shampoo with purple undertones that complements perfectly the yellows of blonde hair. Hehe)

This review is me helping anyone out there who'd want to adapt the no-chemical lifestyle.

A staple in the organic biz in the Philippines is LUSH. I'm really not familiar with the company's history, or anything, but I think its been present in malls since I was a kid. But its quite expensive compared to non-organic formulas, which was the deterent for me. My mother introduced me to Human heart Nature shampoo and I used to love it until they sort of changed the formula and left my hair feeling wire-y after. Even after using their conditioner.

Anyhoo, flash forward to Medical Residency, about a year ago, I asked some shampoo from a friend at our locker room and she handed me a Lush shampoo (forgot the exact name, I will find out in a bit) and my hair quite liked it. Its scent is very different from what you'd sniff from the bottle and what your hair would smell like later. The formula is quite think and I only used little product for my thick and long hair. That started my fascination with Lush's shampoos.

The first one I bought was REHAB. Which the recommendation of the store attendant upon seeing how thick my hair was. So I bought it and I did not like it that much. Review coming up later. But it felt like I had it forever! The whole bottle (Price: Php 1200?) lasted for 7 months!

7 months! Everyday use for my Hair length! I was quite impressed. That was PhP 171.00 per month. If you think about it, the price is quite comparable to what you might spend on local products. My hair is really, really thick.

So I decided to buy another from Lush. Initially I wanted to buy a small one, because of my take on Rehab, but my boyfriend convinced me its more cost effective to buy the bigger one.

Php 1295.00 for the 500g bottle and I can say its worth every penny. I love its smell, fruity, as said in the ingredients. What Juicy Fruit might smell like if they manufactured a fragrance.

The thing about my hair is, it's quite thick. the individual strand of my hair is thicker than the average (or so says my friends). This may be confused (but judgy people who's idea of beautiful hair is the rebonded one) to being dry and unmanagable. I think my hair is quite manageble in ideal scenarios, i.e non-humid weather.

So this formula leaves my hair soft even without condioner. Again, the formula is thick so you need not use too many to cover your hair. But I keep using more because I just love the smell so much!

Second thing about my hair is that it has a natural reddish tint when hit by sunlight. Like a highlight color. But my hair can appear really, really black.

The I Love Juicy, according to my boyfriend, makes the reddish tint more vibrant, again, according to him.

Third thing, my hair is a virgin. No rebond, no coloring. So I can't say much about its effects to treated hair.

I highly recommend it especially for those who want to try organic products. I highly advise you to buy the smaller bottle, I think they cost Php 700-800. It will last you long if you have thin hair. Also, if you notice from the smaller picture, the "Best Before" date is just a year or so after purchase of the product. Again, a con of buying organic. Lesser preservatives, means shorter shelf life. So if your have thin, short hair, you might not be able to consume the biggest bottle within the time period, as I have. Another reason for buying the smaller bottle is that you can try the shampoo and know its effect on your hair under different kinds of weather. The Rehab worked well for me during the cold months. :)

So there. My first product review, ever. I'm hoping to review more organic beauty faves here on my blog for your consumption soon. :)

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